
It Takes Two Baby

Lindsay has been my helper all month. She has helped me so much with the kids. Thanks to her, they haven't gone without attention, a snack, a bath, OR a snuggle.

See Claire doing "Soooo Big!" up there? That's because Lindsay taught her how.

Caeden having a smoothie for a snack. Lindsay whipped this up in place of his request for a 7-11 Slurpee. Much better!

Caeden had his 4 year Doctor appointment the other day and they sent us home with a pamphlet about things ... one of the suggestions was teaching Caeden hopscotch. I didn't mention anything to Lindsay about it, but she must have read it on her own, because when I came outside, look what they were doing. Brilliant.

Yes, we are getting along just fine with Lindsay here.

What? You wonder what I do?

Take pictures, of course. :)


  1. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Linsay soooo rocks! Can I have her when Wayne is recovered? ;-) I think it is wonderful that you have such great help. What a really big blessing. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Your lil sister must be heaven-sent. Who else better to take care of your beautiful babies, while you are nurturing Wayne. I wish I were closer so I could lend a hand, too. Hope you all are going to have a warm & sunny weekend.

  3. :) My "job" rocks.

  4. That is so sweet.. The pictures are awesome. I love the "so-big", it's become a baby milestone anymore. Glad you're back to your photographing self!

  5. Kellie8:55 AM

    Lindsay...What a beautiful sister/sister-in-law/aunt you are!


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