
Weekend Update

Grandpa & Claire having a blast ...

Claire groping Grandpa's face. It's how you know she really likes you. :)

I know I have been a bad blogger (no Monday post - thanks for the email reminders! :).
Water spilled on my beloved MacBook Pro, so my keyboard is jacked. That's why I didn't post. But anyway, onto the weekend update.

We had the best weekend. Caeden was on cloud 9 all weekend. His Grandpa was here and all was right with the world. There was hardly a moment when they weren't together : playing in the playroom, going for a walk to see the construction site, playing in the back yard, or ... just sitting together. My heart gets so full when I think of how much love Caeden has for Dad/Grandpa. There is just nothing like it. See? Like right now, as I type this - {heart is filled to the brim}.

Can you believe I do not have a single picture of them together?! I think it was because they were always so busy playing (and not wanting me to get to close as to ruin the fun) that I didn't get a chance. But trust me, they would have been great - Caeden would be staring at his Grandpa with adoration and clutching toy monster trucks. :)

Dad, do you know how Caeden looks up to you? How even when you and Mom aren't here ... you are? In memories, in stories that Caeden tells, in the fabric of our daily grind. Today, for example, you are back at work in RC, but as Caeden was painting his Valentine's Day box, he wondered out loud, "I wonder what color Grandpa likes best?" You are always on his mind.

Anyway, the mushy stuff had me sidetracked for a second, when the real attention should be the MONSTER TRUCK SHOW. :) Yes, Caeden took Wayne and Grandpa to the show. I think it was quite painful for Wayne (he had great stories about the other attendees) but Caeden had a blast. This morning he had his toys lined up just like at the show. I had to stand on the sidelines and wave a flag, "Just like they did at the show, Mommy."

It has been back to reality this week. School yesterday, swimming lessons today, and Friday is the Valentine's party. We're in charge of bringing plain {heart} sugar cookies for the kids to decorate, so I suppose we'll be doing that Thursday night...


  1. Those pictures are incredible. Good work. Yay monster trucks!

  2. Seeing the kids with my dad is almost as good as watching them with Larry. Love that they have grandparents around to enjoy life with. Thanks for the pics!


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