
Totally All Over the Place Entry


Tutu picture added later. I must have a thing for color these days as I want all those stinkin' tutus for Claire's room!

Baskets of crayons, markers, glitter glue, and more.

To create this: a sweet little person named Henry (I kid you not, Paula!) who went to a volcano and stepped on some lava (but was a Doctor and knew how to fix himself).

So, that was this morning. Picture drawing, story telling, and volcano education.
This afternoon, I was (almost) thinking about making this with Caeden:

Rainbow Cake

Except. The recipe is kinda ... chemically laden (sprite instead of butter, etc.). The lady who made this cake is 25, on a diet, and has no kids. While the cake would be so fun, because Caeden loves to mix colors, the recipe is a bit ... skinny. Is that good for kids? Not that fat-laden desserts are any better. Sigh.

Anyway, take a look (the commentary is funny).

Is there a child out there that wouldn't have a blast with it?


  1. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Your kids are SO cute!
    Aside from that, the recipe is too funny. I'm almost tempted to try it just to see what happens. Def a cake kids would enjoy-oh the colors the colors!

  2. I want the tutus for my room. Or just for me. I wonder if the boys would think I was really cool or just really weird if I wore a bright tutu. Maybe one of each.
    Is just me or is Caeden showing some talent in the doodle department?

  3. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Heya, it's Aleta.

    Use any cake recipe you want! Just follow the box mix directions and add colour if that's unchemically enough for you, and a tub of frosting from the baking aisle. The method will work for any white cake batter.

    I remember when I was a kid my mom wouldn't let us drink diet coke because she said it killed brain cells. =) Not sure where she got that idea, but I definitely understand parents' concerns around that stuff.


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