
What we do at 5 a.m. (this was supposed to be yesterday's post)

"E" and "D"

We practice our letters, of course.

Caeden's body clock is all out of whack. He wakes up at 5 a.m. and turns on all the lights in the house and *waits* for us to notice. How do I notice? The sound of Claire crying on the baby monitor tells me he has turned on her hall light, too. Usually his timing is perfect, as I have usually just gotten Claire back to sleep.

My eyes feel like sandpaper all day and I would give anything for some sleep. Yet, when the kids are both asleep at night, instead of heading for bed, I stay up. The peace and quiet is almost better than sleep (I feel like I am wasting time if I sleep when I could be reading, scrapbooking, talking to Wayne, etc.) Last night I went to bed right after Claire, but she got up twice before 10 p.m., at 12 a.m., 3:00 a.m, and then ... the lights are on at 5.

I don't say this to whine, just filling you in on why getting to the gym still hasn't happened. How in the world does a person lose weight without working out (puking is out of the question, thank you very much)?? Must. Get. Sleep. My favorite pair of jeans is still waiting for me in the closet. Ugh!
(Let's not bring up my baking marathon post from Tuesday, yes?)


  1. The lack of sleep is so frustrating, and it is your God given right to gripe all you want. That is one of my major reasons for not wanting to try to for another set. I am finally getting some good sleep. I wont even tell you, as not to rub it in. It is getting increasingly harder to get them to stay in bed after a long routine of books, stories, another drink of water, one more kiss, forgot to hug, where's my leelee (blanket), I need to potty, etc... Lately it's been culminating with a call to Santa and he usually is able to get them to stay in bed. And once they're asleep, they're asleep, and it is heaven.
    It wont be long, and I'm sending much sympathy your way...

  2. Anonymous1:17 PM

    LOL!! I love Caeden's "E". And all of the many (very necessary) horizontal lines. How many E's are actually in that one E? 10?

  3. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I dont know how you do it! I have felt tired and run down lately but it is NOTHING compared to what you are going through...wish I was there to help in some way. Good thing the kids are cute-right? :) Take care of yourself!

  4. Poor, poor darling you! Maybe you should unscrew a few lightbulbs and teach Caeden to turn on the tv (*gasp...but for me it's worth it to sleep for an hour or two more) Luck and loves to you!


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