
Cold and Flu Season

Caeden came home from school yesterday and promptly got sick all over the living room sofa. So, into the tub he went - I was a bit over-attentive, and getting on his nerves.

"Mom, I need you to leave."
"Just go cook something in the kitchen."

He was up in the night not feeling so hot, Claire was up (of course) and I so I am really glad we are snowed in today. No where to go. No reason to get dressed. And, hopefully, I can convince him to nap when Claire does so I can scrub the house with Clorox.

Day 9: Last year, Caeden *really* wanted this cement truck for Christmas. The look on his face when he upwrapped it was precious. Totally excited and thrilled. Genuine happiness that made us puff up with pride that we delivered on his big wish.

1 comment:

  1. So sad, I hate it when our babies are not feeling well...especially when a stomach virus is involved because then I know I am not too far behind in getting sick myself. Hopefully, this is not the case for your family.

    On another note, I love the picture calendar and all the "little" things you do for this holiday. I can hardly *wait* to Harrison's face this year when he gets to open all his presents. Priceless.


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