
Took it Like a Champ (her, not me)

Claire had her 4 month appt. this morning which meant a series of shots. She did great, I however, had to leave the room because I cannot stand to see her hurt. Wayne carried her out of the exam room, and there she was all bright eyed and quiet ... except I could see the tears that were on her cheeks. :(

She weighs 12 pounds 15 oz. (33rd percentile)
She is 23 1/2" long (25th percentile)
Her peanut head is 15 1/2" around (10th percentile)

Caeden got a flu shot and didn't even wince. Such a little man. Took him out to the dirt pile behind the house as a reward for being so brave.


  1. Ahh the joys of a dirt hill, you're lucky to have one behind your house. I think they are every boys dream...

  2. Those baby shots are tough. They won't remember it, but you sure do.

    LOVE the reward!


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