

Wayne's paternal grandmother, Goldie Koop, passed away 2 days ago. She lived a good, long life and her passing was not a surprise, however we are all so sad and sorry she is not with us anymore.

( I wish I had some pictures to share, unfortunately I keep getting errors when I try and upload them.)

I remember the first time I met her, she was standing in her kitchen making dinner when we arrived at her house. She looked me up and down, took me by the hand, and led me to the living room where she had pictures of her family displayed. She picked up a picture of her son, Vandy, and explained to me that he had passed away as a young man. It was the very first thing she said to me - the very first conversation we had, and I will always remember how touched I was that she would share that with me, that she was willing to be vulnerable to someone she had never met.

But, make no mistake, the woman was a spit-fire. Always laughing and always in a good mood. I never saw her without her makeup on, her jewerly in, and her hair "just so." She was a beautiful woman inside and out and it is very easy to see why her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and friends adored her.

We Love You, Goldie.

We are headed to South Dakota for the service and will be there all week.

1 comment:

  1. "Adore her." Can't think of a greater tribute.


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