
Child Care ... Revisited

I took Caeden with me to the gym. It's the first time he's gone and he was SO EXCITED. When we got to the play area he took off for the tunnels and didn't look back. I tried to tell him I was leaving - that I would be back, but he could have cared less at that point. He was having so much fun climbing and sliding ...

Dejected, I introduced myself to one of the caregivers - telling her it was his first time in a setting like this, and if he needed me just page me. She told me that most Mommies feel this way, and that we are much more anxious than the kids are. "He'll be fine." And she sent me off with a wave.

Okay. Off I went to hop on the treadmill, where I completely got caught up in competing with the teeny boppers on the treadmills beside me. I can't remember a time when not one ounce of me jigglied when I ran ... but these girls where all business - and nothing moved on them except their legs. Well, it goes without saying, but there was a certain amount of jiggle going on over on my treadmill, but I did better than the day before and felt great!!

So, after my workout, I went downstairs to get my little man. I was heartbroken by what I saw when I got there. He was bunched up in a ball on the floor behind the main desk area - crying so hard that his shoulders were shaking and snot was coming out of his nose. I scooped him up and told him I would always come back for him, but he just kept crying.

It was one of the most awful moments I've had as a Mom. Seriously, I should have only left him for 15-20 minutes for his first time. What was I thinking?? (Don't answer that. We all know I got caught up in trying to keep up with those unhuman treadmill girls. I mean seriously, who in the world can run at a dead sprint for 45 minutes?! It was insane to watch.)

After I talked Caeden down by offering/bribing him with fruit snacks (that contain zero fruit, mind you), we got to the truck, and this is what he said:

"Mommy? I am so sad."

"Honey, I will never leave you for long. I will always come back. I promise."

"I'm still sad..."

"Baby, I am sorry. I was gone too long. I'm really, really sorry."

"Well, I need something."

Pause. He knows he has me where he wants me. Damn!

"What do you need?"

"A new toy."

Folks, it's manipulation at it's best.

1 comment:

  1. At first I was, "ohh poor Caeden" and by the end I thought, "Poor Val"!! :) Funny how they figure out how to work it so early in life...ahhhhh!


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