
{ Claire Estelle }

Claire arrived Tuesday, May 27th at 8:39 pm. 5 tiny pounds 4 ounces. 18 inches long. Absolutely Perfect.

She came a bit early at 37 weeks 0 days. Her pediatrician calls her "tiny by mighty." I'd have to agree. She's such an angel and has already added so much to our family. Caeden adores her and
"pets" her all the time. ;)

For the interested, here's a run down of how Claire came into this world at 37 weeks 0 days...
It's for her baby book, so please settle in for the nitty gritty.

My pregnancy was classified as high risk at 32 weeks because an ultrasound showed her growth as behind (2 to 3 weeks) and my fluid as low. I was monitored twice a week, and then at the end every day, for Claire's stress level and fluid measurements.

At 36 weeks an amino was done to see if her lungs were mature, because my Doc and his team of specialists wanted to take her early because of her lack of response and my ever-lowering fluid numbers. It was such a horrific day - I never thought the routine testing would show her in distress, nor was I 'ready' to deliver her that day...Who would care for Caeden if Wayne was with me? Plus, I still hadn't washed her clothes or bedding, and there were still many items to purchase in preparation for her arrival...

However, the amino results showed her lungs were not ready. I was put on bedrest and told the plan was to get her to 'bake' -- hopefully to 38 weeks.

That weekend was Memorial Day Weekend. Wayne decided to take Caeden to South Dakota to visit friends and family so that I could rest. I LOVED the idea and immediately started thinking of all the chic flick movies I could watch, ice cream I could eat ... So loved the idea of "resting."

And then, when I was alone, I got horribly sick. You know, REALLY couldn't leave the bathroom. I called my Doctor when I could make it to the phone, and she wanted me to go straight to the hospital. So, I dragged myself there, where I spent the night getting rehydrated (remember the baby's fluid was really low).

The next morning Wayne was on his way home, probably driving way too fast, and my Mom was on her way to SD because my grandmother had passed away in the night. It was such a hard, horrible day.

Tuesday, I went back to the Doctor's office. Claire's heartbeat was dipping again and they were ready to deliver her immediately. Wayne rushed home to organize care for Caeden while I was being admitted into the hospital. I will admit, in this crazy rush, I thought, "thank God I shaved my legs this morning!" I know, I know. Too much information.

I was walked over to Labor and Delivery where I discovered my OBGYN was the on call Doc that night. I love Doctor Lingle and was relieved he would be there to take care of things. When he came into my delivery room, he said he wanted to give me a "Cherry Hills" delivery.
Side note: Cherry Hills is the poshest, most lovely place to live in the Denver area. This all sounded great to me!

Lingle knew I had delivered Caeden in 4 hours start to finish, so he thought this one would go even faster. He told me to get an epideral as soon as I wanted. No huffing and puffing necessary (Which is what he makes his other patients do, according to the nurse. It's pretty great when your Doc likes you! :)

So, he broke my water. I was dilated to a 3 ... and we waited. As my contractions picked up, I thought it was time to call in the troops. Where is my epideral?! This was not good. Certainly women in Cherry Hills would not feel like this...

Got the epi, had a delicious orange popsicle. Thirty minutes later, I was ready to push. Start to finish 6:30 to 8:39. Not to shabby. Seriously, so different than Caeden's delivery (Natural child birth is no fun. I do not recommend it. AT ALL.).

Claire's heartbeat held strong the entire time. She scored 9/9 on the Apgar and was in my arms right after delivery. I was delirious with excitement and overcome with how much love I felt for this little, itty bitty girl.

We stayed in the hospital for two days where I learned that hospital food is still horrible and nothing beats your own pillows. I am so happy to be home and so thankful my prayers were answered - Claire is healthy. Nothing in the world trumps a healthy baby. We are feeling so blessed ... She is eating and sleeping like a champ and only cries when I change her diaper or she's hungry.

Right now I am still living in P.J.'s and am enjoying having Grandpa and Grandma Koop here to help with Caeden. The weather is gorgeous outside and all is right in my world...

Welcome sweet baby Claire.


  1. Wow! That WAS an awful day Val! I'm glad it's over and that your baby girl is healthy and safe! I'm sorry about your Grams though! :( Hugs to you and congratulations!

  2. Welcome baby Claire Estelle (I love her name!) Glad to know you are all settling in and all is well.

  3. She is beautiful!

  4. "thank God I shaved my legs..."


    Great write up, and what precious baby girl you have. I can't wait to see both Caden and Claire... (ok, and Wayne too.)



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